Midcoast Maine Travel Blog

Birding In Mid-Coast Maine

Written by Craignair Inn | May 14, 2024 5:39:42 PM

It’s spring in MidCoast Maine, and we’re right in the thick of northbound bird migration: easily one of the most thrilling times of year, if you ask us!

Along with our wonderful vernal blooms, nothing says spring quite like the sight and sound of these feathered wayfarers sweeping up the seashore and in the coastal woods and thickets. They seem to bring the warm season in along on their wings, and after the hushed chill of winter, we’re always overjoyed to welcome them back—even if some of them are only passing through to points even farther northward.

The Craignair Inn by the Sea, perched along the coast of the St. George Peninsula right across from the marvelous preserve of Clark Island, makes a fantastic H.Q. for soaking up the spring migration. Whether you’re a hardcore birder or more of a casual nature fan, you’ll have ample opportunity to enjoy the show—some of the finest birding in Maine—with our upscale B&B supplying the pitch-perfect accommodations!

Spring Bird Migration in Maine

Offering its own high-quality nesting habitat and also acting as a strategically oriented flyway into Canada, Maine stands as one of the most significant bird-migration corridors on the East Coast—and, indeed, on the North American continent.

The spring bird migration in Maine spans all the way from late winter into early or even mid-June, with different pulses of birds timing their arrival based on the availability of their favorite nosh and the particulars of their nesting geographies and habits. From the tiny busybody golden-crowned kinglets (left) to clamorous dabbling ducks and winnowing snipes, you can gauge the unfurling of the season by when particular members of our avian cast of characters arrive (and what they're up to).

Right now, we’re really in the peak of things for spring birding in MidCoast Maine, with the astonishing variety of warblers (including the pine warbler, below) and other Neotropical songbirds on display and the height of spring migration for shorebirds underway.




And speaking of: While it’s the fall shorebird migration that truly sets Maine apart—the Gulf of Maine’s mudflats and other coastal habitats are considered arguably eastern North America's most important staging ground for southbound shorebirds, some of them undertaking astonishing and arduous trans-ocean flights to wintering refuge in South America—there’s plenty to see this time of year, too. Species such as black-bellied plovers and greater and lesser yellowlegs are winging their way through and nesting Maine shorebirds, including piping plovers (right), willets, and spotted sandpipers, are returning for the summer.








Then you’ve got the raptors—the birds of prey, from broad-winged, red-shouldered, and sharp-shinned hawks to ospreys (featured image, top), peregrine falcons, turkey vultures (left), and even the odd golden eagle—soaring north, taking advantage of updrafts and breezes along Maine’s seaboard and coastal highlands.





Birdwatching in Spring on a Craignair Inn Getaway

Many of the season’s migrating birds do their traveling at night, taking advantage of the calmer air (and fewer predators) to cover ground by starlight and moonlight. With the dawn of each fresh spring day, it’s always amazing to see what the previous night has brought in, bird-wise, to our yardscapes and natural areas.

The most auspicious birdwatching weather this time of year comes with a good southerly tailwind, followed maybe by a spell of rain forcing the migrants to pause their journey and hang out awhile. Along with watching the weather forecast, you can plan your spring birding using the awesome online tool called BirdCast, which releases nightly projections for migration magnitude across the U.S.

From Clark Island (literally just steps away), host to both songbirds and shorebirds, to such ace raptor-spying spots as the Camden Hills and Bradbury Mountain (which hosts a well-known springtime “hawk watch”), you’ve got loads of avian hotspots at your disposal while enjoying our seaside accommodations here at The Craignair Inn. And don’t miss the birding cruises out to nearby Eastern Egg Rock, which ranks as one of the best-known spots for bird watching in Maine thanks to its puffin rookery.

The Craignair Inn by the Sea: Your Luxurious Bed-and-Breakfast Base Camp for       Birding in Mid-Coast Maine

Book a guest room at The Craignair Inn by the Sea this spring, and combine some world-class birdwatching with some of the finest hospitality and dining on the MidCoast!