Craignair Inn Dogs, Gretel and Gertie Discover a Visitor on the Beach

While out on our morning walk over the Clark Island causeway, Gretel and Gertie noticed a newcomer on the beach. A little harp seal had made its way up the beach during low tide. The dogs were curious but wary. They welcomed their new friend at a distance and named the harp seal “Freddie.”


A volunteer from Marine Mammals of Maine stopped by in the afternoon to ensure Freddie was doing okay since there has been an increase in stranded harp seals this year. We are happy to report that Freddie looked healthy and was just enjoying a peaceful, quiet sunbathe before heading back to sea. Harp seals can swim without food for days and need to rest for prolonged periods.

The volunteer from Marine Mammals of Maine explained that people should not get too close and give the seals plenty of space when they are resting. We hope to see Freddie and his buddies again (from a distance) relaxing on the beach.

The Craignair Inn and Causeway Restaurant in Spruce Head, Maine, at the entrance to the Clark Island Preserve, are gaining renewed popularity in the midcoast region, and early reservations are highly recommended. Learn more and consider a visit in the coming months!